작성자: 과거 관리자
작성 날짜: 2013/10/02 (수) 오후 5:13
아래 Oracle Campus Hire 공고에 학사/석사/박사 졸업(예정)자 여러분의 많은 관심 바랍니다.
Oracle Server Technology(ST) 부문은 Oracle DBMS의 core engine을 담당하는 부서로서,
이번 채용인원은 서울에서 근무하지만, 미국 본사의 ST 팀의 일원으로서 core engine 관련 일을 하게 됩니다.
- 아 래 -
Job Description:
Responsible for analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and testing computer software system. Responsible for build specifications and suites for Oracle RDBMS SW systems and SW applications quality. They will design, develop, and maintain continuing products, processes, standards, and quality assurance systems.
Job Requirements:
Displays understanding of processes and products. Performs complex problem solving skills. BS or MS, or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields.
Strong analytical skills on complex problems. Ability to work independently and work well in team environment. Deep and fundamental understanding of computer science and related fields. Good verbal and written communication skills.
Compensation: Highly competitive
Working Location: Seoul, Korea
Direct report to a hiring manager in Oracle HQ, USA.
Military service duty: exempted or fulfilled
Starting Date: Jul. 2014 or after.
Contact and resume forwarding:
cheolwhan.lee@oracle.com (Dr. Chris Lee) or sglee@snu.ac.kr (Prof. Sang-goo Lee)