작성자: 과거 관리자
작성 날짜: 2017/11/06 (월) 오전 11:11
안녕하세요. 학부 행정실에서 안내드립니다.
Naver Labs Europe에서 인턴 및 직원을 뽑는다고 하니, 컴퓨터공학부 학부생 및 대학원생 여러분의 많은 관심 바랍니다.
Our website were we post all our internships is here [1]. For the moment there is only one, but in the coming weeks there will be more (at least two more from my team, and also from the other teams here), in case you could forward this to the students. Also, if there is one person at your department who gathers those information, I could ask our assistant to update that person periodically.
Also note that we are hiring for permanent positions (mostly people with PhDs), if that is something that your graduates could interest.
[1] www.europe.naverlabs.com/NAVER-LABS-Europe/Internships
연락처: matthias.galle@naverlabs.com