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Youngki LEE

Associate Professor

대표 이미지

301 Building, Room 413


(02) 880-1726




  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, KAIST, 2012

  • B.S. in Computer Science, KAIST, 2004

연구 분야

  • Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

  • Human Behavior and Context Sensing

  • Embedded Machine Learning & Deep Learning Systems

  • Computational Social Science


  • 2018. 9. – now: Full-time Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University

  • 2013. 3. – 2018. 8.: Assistant Professor, School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University

  • 2015. 6. – now: Affiliated Faculty, Computer Science Department, KAIST

  • 2007. 4. – 2007. 6.: Research Intern, Microsoft Research Redmond

  • 2006. 9. – 2007. 3.: Research Intern, Microsoft Research Asia