The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University is hiring three new faculty members.
We are looking for individuals who have outstanding research capabilities and a passion for education across all areas of computer science and engineering, for the positions of tenure-track assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor. Applicants must have a doctoral degree at the time of application. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University pursues world-class education and research. Currently, 35 professors work with over 400 undergraduate students and 350 graduate students, and we are continuously adding new professors to accommodate the growth of our undergraduate program. Currently, research and education are being conducted in all areas of computer science, including but not limited to algorithms, artificial intelligence, big data, bioinformatics, computational theory, computer systems, embedded systems, graphics, human-computer interaction, machine learning, networks, programming languages, software theory, system software, and vision.
◾ New hire targets: Three tenure-track assistant, associate, or full professors.
◾ Fields of recruitment: One each for computer networks or databases, all areas of computer science and engineering (for non-Koreans), and computer foundations.
◾ Application period: From April 6, 2023 (Thursday) 10:00 to April 24 (Monday) 10:00 (Korean Standard Time).
For detailed information on applying for a new position, please refer to the website below.
For additional inquiries, please contact [].