Ensemble Learning and Multi-Model Architecture for Image Generation and Translation주재걸|KAIST7/21 (수) 13:00|Online seminar using Zoom
연합학습 (Federated Learning)-앙상블학습 (Ensemble Learning)과의 비교 및 활용황성주|KAIST7/20 (화) 15:00|Online seminar using Zoom
Constraint-based Program Analysis for Concurrent Software 성청하 (Chungha Sung)|University of Southern California (USC)6/3 (목) 11:00|온라인세미나 (zoom 이용)
Recent advances in time-series analysis and recommender systems유환조|POSTECH5/11 (화) 15:30|온라인세미나 (zoom 이용)
Mining and Learning with Graphs: Clustering, Hypergraphs, and Representation Learning황지영 (Joyce Jiyoung Whang)|KAIST5/4 (화) 15:30|온라인세미나 (zoom 이용)
Sublinear-time Force Computation for Big Complex Network Visualization홍석희 (Seok-Hee Hong)|The University of Sydney, Australia4/26 (월) 11:00|Building 302 Room 309-1