Succinct data structures: Towards optimal representation of massive data|5/23 (목) 12:00|Rm 309, Bldg 302
Localizing and Explaining Non-deadlock Concurrency BugsSangmin Park (박상민)|Georgia Institute of Technology 5/16 (목) 11:00|Rm 309, Bldg 302
Improving Responsiveness of NAND-based Storage Systems by Employing Effective Preemption of Garbage Collection Operations 송용호 교수님 |한양대학교5/13 (월) 16:00|Room 554, Building 301
Unity 게임엔진 소개와 비전, 국내 게임 시장의 흐름Lars Runov, Michael Edmonds, Will Goldstone, Beeling Chua|-4/25 (목) 14:00|301동 315호(S-LAB)
Training and research activities of Microelectronics Center of ProvenceProf. Dr. Bernard DHALLUIN |the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne4/16 (화) 17:00|Room 202, Building 301
삼성전자 소프트웨어연구소 Vision & Strategy김정한 소장/전무|삼성전자 DS부문 소프트웨어연구소 3/29 (금) 12:00|서울대학교 301동 신공학관 315호 S-Lab
How Smart Can Your SSD Be?Sangyeun Cho |University of Pittsburgh3/25 (월) 16:00|Room 554, Building 301