Author: 과거 관리자
Created: 2020/03/06 (금) 오후 9:39
2020학년도 1학기 김건희 교수님의 이산수학, 확률그래프모델 초안지 신청을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 확인하시기 바랍니다.
1. Discrete Mathematics (이산수학)
- Email to TAs by 3/17 11:59PM at
- Write down (1) your major/dual major/minor (or your plan for it), (2) what year you are now, and (3) why you want to take this course this semester.
- We will choose about 20 additional students based on the emails.
- We will notify individually whether you are chosen or not by 3/18.
(We will directly submit approved list to the department office. Therefore, you don't need to come to SNU to submit override form.)
- If you cannot register, please take this course next year.
2. Probabilistic Graphical Models (확률그래프모델)
- Email to TAs by 3/17 11:59PM at
- Write down (1) your major, (2) your advisor, (3) what year you are now, and (4) why you want to take this this semester.
- We will choose about 10 additional students based on the emails.
- We will notify individually whether you are chosen or not by 3/18.
(We will directly submit approved list to the department office. Therefore, you don't need to come to SNU to submit override form.)
- If you cannot register, please take this course next year.