Author: 과거 관리자
Created: 2020/12/17 (목) 오후 1:07
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Sweden: Opening for PhD Student in Approximate Computing
Background Requirement:
The applicant must be in possession of Master of Science (MSc) diploma in a relevant field, such as: computer science, electrical engineering etc. The applicant is expected to have a strong background in maths and algorithms, optimization methods, numerical methods. The applicant is also expected to have a good understanding of compilers, computer architecture and digital design.
The objectives of the PhD:
1. Develop benchmarks for approximate computing. from computational neuroscience, genomics, augmented reality, control theory and molecular dynamics
2. Develop metrics to quantify the efficiency and efficacy of approximate computing strategies depending on the nature of the application domain
3. Develop efficient mapping strategy to the enhanced SiLago framework.
Expected Results:
Benchmarks for approximate computing
Metrics to quantify the efficacy and efficiency of approximate computing strategies
Enhanced the SiLago framework for approximate computing.
Benchmarks mapped to the enhanced SiLago framework.