Accurate and Scalable Managed Runtime Monitoring and AnalysisJungwoo Ha|Google Inc. 6/20 (수) 11:00|Rm 309-1, Bldg 302, SNU
Scalable Memory Systems in the Multi-Core Era(6/18 2pm~6pm, 6/20 2pm~6pm) Prof. Onur Mutlu|Carnegie Mellon University6/18 (월) 14:00|301동 551호
Smart Media Research and Smart Age Philosophy: New Enlightenment M+ for Renaissance & DIGITALOGY 2012 + 황준석 |기술경영정책 협동과정6/12 (화) 16:00|서울대학교 신공학관 301동 315호 S-Lab
"Marco: Safe, Expressive Macros for Any Language"Prof. Byeongcheol Lee|GIST, KOREA6/8 (금) 15:00|rm 309-1, bldg 302, SNU
LiquidMetal: a Unified Programming Language and Runtime for Heterogeneous PlatformsDr. Christophe Dubach|-5/25 (금) 14:00|301동 417호
[Distinguished Lecture Series] Data without LimitsWerner Vogels| in Seattle, Washington5/23 (수) 16:30|301동 201호
Big Data and Compressive SensingProf. Hsiang-Tsung Kung|School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University5/21 (월) 16:30|서울대학교 301동 315호 S-Lab